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Tag Archives: Balfour Declaration
‘Perfidious Albion? The British Legacy in Palestine’ – Prof. Ilan Pappe
Prof Ilan Pappe spoke at the Kenyon Institute in Jerusalem 17th September 2012 on the topic ‘Perfidious Albion? The British Legacy in Palestine’ .
Posted in Balfour Declaration, News
Tagged 19th Century, Balfour, Balfour Declaration, Brightman, Hussein Ibn Ali, Palmerston, restorationism, Shaftesbury, Zionism
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Britain’s betrayal of the sacred trust in Palestine, Prof John Dugard
British policy towards Palestine for the past 100 years has been informed by two narratives, two visions. The first is the vision of a Jewish state in Palestine, captured in the Balfour Declaration of 1917. The second is the … Continue reading
Posted in Balfour Declaration, Current Positions
Tagged 1917, 1922, Balfour Declaration, British Mandate, International Law, John Dugard, Middle East, Palestine, Palestine Mandate, Sacred Trust of civilisation
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Biography: Arthur Balfour by Brian Klug
From Brian Klug, Being Jewish and Doing Justice: Bringing Argument to Life London: Vallentine Mitchell, 2011, pp. 199-210 There appears to be a conundrum about Arthur Balfour.1 On the one hand, his name is inseparable from the Declaration he signed … Continue reading
Posted in Balfour Declaration, Biographies
Tagged Aliens act, anti-semitism, Balfour, Balfour Declaration, Klug, Palestine, Sykes Picot, Zionism
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Agreement Between Emir Feisal and Dr. Weizmann
3 January, 1919 Introduction Following the First World War, Emir Feisal, son of Sherif Hussein (Husayn) of Mecca, and the leader of the Arab movement, met in Aqaba with Dr. Chaim Weizmann, the head of the Zionist Commission to … Continue reading
Posted in Balfour Declaration, Historical, Resources
Tagged Balfour Declaration, British Mandate, Feisal, Hussein Ibn Ali, McMahon, McMahon Hussain, Middle East, Palestine, Sherif Hussein, Sykes Picot, Weizmann
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The Palestine Mandate July 1922
The Mandate, the full details of which are available in the Avalon Project, incorporated the provisions of the Balfour Declaration. Whereas the Principal Allied Powers have also agreed that the Mandatory should be responsible for putting into effect the declaration … Continue reading
Posted in Balfour Declaration, Historical, Key Documents
Tagged 1922, Anglo-French Declaration, Balfour Declaration, Lloyd George, Middle East, Sykes Picot
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British White Paper of June 1922
Below is the White Paper but also read: Rescuing Balfour: Winston Churchill at the Colonial Office 1921-22 Dr William Mathew shows in this essay how Winston Churchill,.. played a vital role in securing the British government`s long-term commitment to the … Continue reading
Posted in Historical
Tagged 1922, anti-semitism, Balfour Declaration, Hebert Samuel, Palestine, Sykes Picot, White Paper, Zionist organization
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British White Paper of 1939
In the statement on Palestine, issued on 9 November, 1938, His Majesty’s Government announced their intention to invite representatives of the Arabs of Palestine, of certain neighbouring countries and of the Jewish Agency to confer with them in London regarding … Continue reading
Posted in Historical, Key Documents
Tagged 1939, 1939 White Paper, Balfour Declaration, Palestine
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Palestine Mandate defeated 69 to 29, 1922
LORD ISLINGTON had given Notice to move, That the Mandate for Palestine in its present form is inacceptable to this House, because it directly violates the pledges made by His Majesty’s Government to the people of Palestine in the Declaration … Continue reading
Posted in Balfour Declaration
Tagged 1922, Balfour, Balfour Declaration, British Mandate, Declaration, Lord Islington, Palestine Mandate, restorationism
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Time to remind ourselves of Britain’s unhelpful legacy to the Palestinians
It’s 95 years since Lord Balfour informed Baron Rothschild that Britain would back a new Jewish state. The anniversary has been marked not with fireworks, but bombs. By Yasmin Alibhai Brown Monday, 19 November 2012
Posted in Balfour Declaration, Historical
Tagged Balfour Declaration, Palestine
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The Secret of Leopold Amery by William D. Rubinstein
The drafter of the Balfour Declaration was a secret Zionist in what historian William Rubinstein states was “probably the most remarkable example of concealment of identity in twentieth-century British political history” “…Because of his increasingly significant political position, [Amery] … Continue reading
Posted in Biographies
Tagged 1917, Balfour Declaration, British Mandate, First World War, Leopold Amery, Palestine, Sykes
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The Promise by Ben Brown
Chaim Weizmann by Mary Grey
Chaim Weizmann was born in Russia in 1874, in Motol, now Belarus, but then in the “Pale of Settlement”, that area of Russia to which the Jews had been confined since the time of Catherine the Great. From an early … Continue reading
Posted in Biographies, Resources
Tagged 1917, Balfour Declaration, British Mandate, First World War, Jew, Palestine, Zionism
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Short biographies by Mary Grey
The War Cabinet (WW1) The creation of the War Cabinet undertook the supreme direction of the war effort. It was composed of David Lloyd George, the Prime Minister, Andrew Bonar Law, Lord Nathaniel Curzon, Alfred Milner, Arthur Henderson and Sir … Continue reading
Posted in Biographies
Tagged 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, Allenby, Asquith, Balfour Declaration, British Mandate, Clayton, Curzon, First World War, Grey, Herbert, Hussein Ibn Ali, Lawrence, Lloyd George, McMahon, Milner, Montagu, Montifiore, Picot, Rothschild, Sacher, Samuel, Sokolow, Storrs, Sykes, Sykes Picot, Talaat Pasha, Weizmann, Wolf, Zaharoff
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Biography: Arthur Balfour by Mary Grey
Arthur Balfour 1848- 1930 The facts of Arthur Balfour’s political life are well-known. What is not so obvious is why he, “a scion of both Scottish mercantile wealth and English aristocracy”[1] – should be linked by history to a document … Continue reading
Posted in Biographies, Resources
Tagged Balfour, Balfour Declaration, Christian Zionism, restorationism
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A Reevaluation of the Balfour Declaration by Ashley Perry
Ashley Perry, editor of the Middle East Strategic Information project makes the case that the Balfour Declaration represented the definite intention of the British Government to create a Jewish state and that in the Mandate for Palestine this intention gained … Continue reading
Posted in Balfour Declaration, Historical
Tagged 1922 White Paper, Balfour Declaration, British Mandate, Churchill, Faisal-Weizmann Agreement, General Smuts, Jewish National Home, Palestine Mandate
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A scrap of paper that changed history
by Donald Macintyre Reproduced from an article: ‘The birth of modern Israel: a scrap of paper that changed history’ in the Independent of 26 May 2005 The term “living history” is a cliché that slips as easily from the lips … Continue reading
Posted in Balfour Declaration, Zionism Debate
Tagged Balfour Declaration, Leon Simon, Montagu, Zionism
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The Balfour Declaration and its Consequences by Avi Shlaim
Occasionally there are topics that have been written about at such length that it helps to clear the air, or to establish the vantage point from which I intend to consider my subject. My aim therefore is to take a … Continue reading
Posted in Balfour Declaration, Current Positions, Post-Mandate Period, Pre-Balfour Declaration
Tagged 1917, Ba, Balfour Declaration, Herzl, Lloyd George, McMahon, McMahon Hussain, Middle East, Palestine, Picot, Rothschild, Samuel, Sykes, Sykes Picot, Zionism
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Britain’s historical mandate. by Natasha Gill
A frank recognition of its past in the Middle East can give Britain a unique role in the peace process The reprimand of Israel by David Miliband, the foreign secretary, resonated sharply in an already difficult week for Israel. But … Continue reading
Posted in Current Positions
Tagged Arabs, Balfour Declaration, British Mandate, Israel, nakba, Palestine, Palestine Mandate, Zionism
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