Mission Statement


Peace with justice, security and equal rights for Palestinians and Israelis 

Mission Statement

The Balfour Project was created by British citizens to highlight Britain’s record in Palestine before, during, and after the Mandate, effectively from 1840 to 1948, to the present day. Through education and advocacy, we work to advance equal rights for all in Palestine/Israel regardless of race or creed and achieve greater public awareness of Britain’s current and historic responsibilities in Palestine/Israel. We seek to persuade the British Parliament and Government to demand that the rule of law and fundamental human rights, including the right to self-determination and the implementation of international law, are upheld in Israel/Palestine.  

The Balfour Project asks the Government and people of the United Kingdom to:

  • Acknowledge Britain’s historical role in shaping 20th and 21st century Palestine/Israel, particularly in light of the Balfour Declaration and the policies of the British Mandate;
  • Support Palestinians and Israelis in building a peaceful future based on equal rights, justice and security for all;
  • Work for British Government recognition of the State of Palestine.

One of the important issues that the Balfour Project aims to promote is the impact and significance of recognition. While the British Government recognised the State of Israel in 1950, Palestinians remain stateless, exiled, refugees or second-class citizens within Israel. We urge the Government to immediately recognise the State of Palestine as a step towards equality and an end to the occupation. Recognition of a Palestinian state would substantially improve the Palestinian position in international forums by enhancing its bargaining strengths and status. Advocacy of a Palestinian state does not mean that the Balfour Project takes a position on final status for the Palestine/Israel question.

Please click here for more information on the Balfour Project’s founding, mission and position on key issues.

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Balfour Project is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO)
Charity number SC047090