Alumni Fellows Projects

2023/24 projects

Antisemitism Handbook by Toby Kunin, Elah Cohen, and Sylvie Maxwell Macdonald

“A Social Media War: Palestine and Israel” A-Level and GCSE workshops by Taya Amit, Lara Arekat, Haneen Khano and Emma Todres

‘My Past, our Future’ podcast by Valentin Herdeg, Jasmine Moore, and Haneen Khano

Tik Tok/Social media project by Lily Wood, Becky Beard, Elah Cohen and Kira Nygren

An exploration of support for Israel and Palestine in Northern Ireland by Dr Rachael Stockdale 

Settler Violence in Area C by Kira Nygren and Jasmine Moore

Continuation of Recognise Palestine by Matthew Cockrell and Alex Fairhead

2022/23 projects

Israel and International law: Influencing the UK-Israel Free Trade Agreement by Andrea Wong, Dina Gitlin-Leigh and Laura Bramall

Occupied Environments by Lucy Mooring, Madeline Elmitt and Matthew Holt

Humanising Palestinians in Anglo-Jewish Contexts by Joe Haidar, Joel Stokes, Nicole Munson and Adnan Mahmud

Mandate Social History workshops for A-Level students by Ethan Hadad and Ross Plowman

Recognising Palestine by Joseph Hearn and Daniel Mautner

Continuation of Save Masafer Yatta campaign by Ross Plowman and Dina Gitlin-Leigh

UK’s Contribution to the Surveillance Industry of Israel: A Palestinian Prospective by Adnan Mahmud

2021/22 projects

Legacies and Possibilities: Perspectives on Palestinian Heritage by Archie Williams, Amber Khan and Cecilia Cáceres Juan

Life in Late Ottoman and Mandatory Palestine: a Social History Workshop for Secondary Schools by Eibhlin Priestley and Jean Franco

Live Literature: Palestine and Israel by Emily Abdeni-Holman and Salma Altabari

Opportunities For Encounter- Christian Tours and Pilgrimages to The Holy Land (Israel and Palestine) by Anne-Marie Clements and Rebecca Argall

The Threat of Expulsion in Masafer Yatta by Douglas Gerrard, Pyla Bird-Leakey and Maya Novi

2020/21 projects

Bedouins in Area C by Adam Abdalla, Jordan Jones, Stav Salpeter

IHRA Report Project by Gilang Al Ghifari Lukman, Jack Walton, Martha Scott-Cracknell, Omar Sharif, Sarah Chaya Smith

Israel-Palestine in Schools in the UK by Aimée-Stephanie Reid, Haneen Zeglam, Sam Lytton Cobbold

Mapping: An art exhibition exploring homeland, identity and British colonialism in Israel-Palestine by Rosie Richards and Francesca Vawdrey

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