Fellowship Alumni

Alumni 2023/24


Intern Fellows

Name: Haneen Khano

University Course: BA in International Development and Arabic, University of Sussex

What started your interest in the region? I am of Palestinian heritage and the paternal side of my family still live in Palestine. I grew up in Jerusalem and then in Jordan so the region never ‘became of interest’ to me. It was just the reality of my life. As a child I remember understanding that being Palestinian was different. People reacted differently to the identity of ‘Palestinian’ as opposed to ‘Italian’ or ‘Brazilian’. For a long time I didn’t want to understand that difference because I knew it came with pain and responsibility. With age I began to take more interest in the Palestinian struggle and the role that the international community played and continues to play in sustaining the conflict. This created a passion in me to fight the lies and misrepresentation spread about Palestinians and Arabs and try and educate whoever would listen about the beauty and warmth of the whole Levant region. 

Why did you apply for the fellowship? My interest in the Balfour project is first and foremost motivated by my desire to fight for a just existence for the Palestinian people.  Global governments have continuously failed Palestine and I feel the public and NGOs have an important role in advocating for equal rights and justice for all in the region. The work of the Balfour Project is an important part of this fight. This project brings together young people with affiliations to Israel and Palestine as well as people with no connection to the region, to share their experiences, knowledge, and ideas. It is this type of collaboration and communication between international actors that are Palestine’s last hope in making even a small step towards justice. 


Name: Jasmine Moore

University Course/Current occupation: BA History and Politics at Durham (2020-2023); Research Intern at Ben-Gurion University (Sept-Nov 2023); Parliamentary Caseworker (Nov 2023-)

What started your interest in the region? When carrying out research for my undergraduate dissertation, I found that there was a well-rehearsed and oft-told narrative of East Jerusalem; one defined by antagonism and domination, and rarely mentioning the human agent. It was by researching micro-histories, looking at the daily struggles Palestinians endured in the city, that I hoped to humanise East Jerusalemite Palestinians. It was this narrative that I felt passionately was not represented in mainstream academic approaches nor by the mass media.   Since then, I have undertaken a research placement at Ben-Gurion University in Israel looking further into themes of Palestinian resistance and resilience in Jerusalem.

Why did you apply for the fellowship? I often feel that it is difficult to engage with global issues in ways that feel meaningful. To contribute to peace-building efforts and see tangible results can often feel impossible as a singular entity (despite the passion and drive one may have). Yet, I believe the fellowship’s capacity as a forum for discussion and its knowledge and skill-based training programme offers an important foundation for those determined to make a meaningful contribution to any lasting peace process. Being in Israel during the escalation of violence in October has cemented for me the importance of this fellowship. Living in the Arab Bedouin town of Rahat, I saw first-hand how the war has only exacerbated Palestinian marginalisation and has created a situation of crisis in the Negev. 


Name: Kira Nygren

Course: BA Geography & Politics, Durham University (2020 – 23) 

What started your interest in the region? While my Palestinian heritage wasn’t often discussed at home, my curiosity around this contentious space grew during my A-Levels, especially as I watched the Gaza border protests of 2018/19. It was then that I started questioning how British media portrayed Palestinians, particularly noting the absence of a humanistic approach and meaningful dialogue concerning the profoundly intimate impact on Palestinians, Israelis and the diasporic community. This gap in reporting motivated me to undertake an extended project in my last year of school which focused on graffiti in the Palestinian Territories. By demystifying the conflict and drawing tangible connections to other global crises, I aimed to encourage fresh perspectives on Israel-Palestine.

Why did you apply for the Fellowship?  I chose to apply to the Balfour Project in the hope of engaging with work that would make clear the UK, as a liberal democracy, has a moral responsibility to advocate for justice in Israel-Palestine, just as it does in other nations. I am convinced that the UK has an opportunity to reshape its narrative and play a meaningful role in promoting equal rights in Israel-Palestine.


Name: Lara Arekat

University Course: MSc Politics of the Middle East, SOAS.

What started your interest in the region? Growing up half Palestinian, I’ve always felt connected to the region, and been interested in its complex and nuanced politics. Hearing of my grandfather’s plight in the Six Day War inspired my passion for studying a BSc in International Politics, and also having Irish patronage further contributed to my interest in colonial resistance.  My recently completed MSc in Politics of the Middle East allowed me to deeply study the topics I am passionate about, particularly how much Middle Eastern history can be attributed to the ever-present grasp of Western power. 

Why did you apply for the fellowship? I have always been a huge advocate for the power of the people and the transformative potential of collective action, having experience in local and youth-led politics. I applied for the fellowship because I care about raising awareness of Britain’s responsibility to equal rights and justice in Israel and Palestine because, without awareness, there can be no informed dialogue.  Resolution is not instantaneous, and requires passionate individuals determined for ground-up change. It is also a deeply personal issue to me, which has further motivated me to strive toward meaningful progress. 


Name: Dr Rachael Stockdale

Current occupation: Postdoctoral Researcher at University College Cork

What started your interest in the region? Coming from the north of Ireland, a post-conflict region, I am passionate about peace building and international efforts of solidarity.

Why did you apply for the fellowship? I have previously worked directly with Israeli and Palestinian young people with the Youth Peace Initiative, a youth led organisation that promotes the inclusion of youth in peace and reconciliation processes and I hope to continue this work with The Balfour Project.


Name: Taya Amit

Current occupation: Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Tutor and recent graduate in BA International Development from University of Sussex

What started your interest in the region? Being born in Israel proper, raised in the UK and attending Orthodox Jewish schools, I was never taught to question the history of Israel. Going to university, I was able to learn about this region in context of its settler colonial state, apartheid, and genocide it has enforced against Palestinians. Being able to talk about Israel and Palestine outside of a Jewish bubble has granted me the space to deeply critique and analyse what a “Jewish Homeland” really means, and at what cost. 

Why did you apply for the fellowship? The Balfour Peace Project provides a strong balance between creative autonomy and assistance during our projects. Being able to collaborate with like-minded activists, all bringing their own experience, is an invaluable space to be in.

Name: Valentin Herdeg

University course: BA International Relations at SOAS, currently enrolled at the Palestine and Arabic Studies Program at Birzeit University. 

What started your interest in the region? Growing up in Germany I was exposed to a collective narrative that saw the support for Israel as a fundamental means to overcome Germany’s historic guilt. Palestine and Palestinians had no space in this story, unless Germany could help police them in its effort to protect the Israeli state. After graduating from high school, I decided to travel to the region to make sense of it through my own eyes, and the eyes of Palestinians and Israelis. My trip influenced my decision to study International Relations at SOAS University of London and enter an academic and political space in which I could openly learn about Palestine/Israel and ‘Middle Eastern’ politics more broadly. 

Why did you apply for the fellowship? I believe that raising awareness about Britain’s (continued) responsibility in the oppression of the Palestinian people constitutes a crucial tool to change the violent status quo. For the British public to stand up for Palestine, it needs to feel personally connected to it. This is where I see the potential of the Balfour Project: enabling people to understand that the history of Israel and Palestine is also their history; and that working towards a future of peace and justice for Israel/Palestine is also their responsibility.

Associate Fellows

Name: Abigail Towle

Course: MSc Education Policy and International Development, University of Bristol

What started your interest in the region? I grew up in a British Jewish community and have always been interested in Israel and Palestine. When I first started university, I was exposed to more complex questions and conversations about the politics of the region and about Britain’s geopolitical responsibilities. A few years ago, I became a member of Liberal Jews for Peace in Israel and Palestine (LJPIP), a grass-roots organisation which aims to raise awareness of issues in Israel and Palestine and encourage critical discussion amongst Liberal and Progressive Jewish communities in the UK. I have also volunteered and worked in the non-profit sector for over 5 years, which has further developed my interest in social justice and equity. My interest in Israel and Palestine has increased through studying international development and education. I have researched human rights and critical peace education in Palestine’s West Bank and learnt more about Britain’s role in the conflict. I also visited Israel in August 2023 and was able to speak with Palestinians and both Jewish and Arab Israelis, which helped me gain a more nuanced understanding of Israeli-Palestinian relations and gave me a personal perspective on the impact of the conflict. 

Why did you apply for the fellowship? My most recent trip to Israel inspired me to take an active role in peace advocacy work outside of the Jewish community. I thought the fellowship would be complementary to my academic studies and research interests and would be a great opportunity to enact change in the UK. While learning about Israel and Palestine, my experience has been that there are grossly polarised views, where discussions seldom acknowledge Britain’s role in the region. For this reason, I thought that the Balfour Project’s focus on Britain’s colonial accountability was particularly interesting; I have studied decolonisation in depth, and I am looking forward to learning more about and raising awareness of Britain’s colonial past in Palestine on the fellowship programme.

Name: Adrian Kreutz

Current occupation: Lecturer Political Theory, University of Amsterdam; PhD Politics, New College, Oxford

What started your interest in the region? My interest in Israel and Palestine stems from personal connections to the region. I was previously involved with the the United Nations, Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, Division of Palestinian Rights on a project researching the origins of the partition plan. Most recently, I joined Al-Haq in Ramallah on their International Human Rights Law programme. Beyond that, I am academically interested in the political and legal situation in Israel and Palestine. My doctoral research addresses questions of legitimacy and political self-determination, touching on topics of legal subalternity and postcoloniality, for which of course the State of Israel, calls for Palestinian self-determination, and the occupation are tangible examples. 

Why did you apply for the Fellowship? I applied for the fellowship because I believe that the UK’s historic role and current relationship with Israel and Palestine is misunderstood. Yet, I do think that British civil society and politics could have a major impact on the formation of narratives around Israel and Palestine in the international community. I believe that the UK is in a unique position, if it wanted to, to shape and determine the situation in the Middle East for the better. Furthermore, I was intrigued be the amazing opportunities for advocacy training, which I am hoping to make use of in my future career. 

Name: Alex Fairhead 

University Course:  Graduate Diploma in Law, City Law School

What started your interest in the region? My interest in the region was originally sparked by education. I studied the conflict both at school and at Sciences Po, where I took two courses on the subject: one focusing on the UN and another in the context of Britain’s colonial legacy. 

Why did you apply for the fellowship? For me, being a part of the Balfour Project means standing up for the rule of law, recognising Britain’s colonial legacy and being a part of solution to a devastating conflict. I passionately believe in the work they do and their intention to be part of the peace process. 

Name: Becky Beard 

University Course: Ma Hons Arabic & French, University of Edinburgh

What started your interest in the region? While studying Arabic, I spent an incredible year living in Amman, Jordan. Many of my teachers and friends there were Palestinian, or had links to Palestine. The more I learned from their stories and discussions with them, the more I spent time engaging with sources and literature around the history of the region with the intent of really starting to understand the effects that the conflict had on people, specifically exploring the issues faced by women in both Israel and Palestine as emblems for nationalism. 

Why did you apply for the fellowship? The more that I learned along my journey, the more I really understood the extent of Britain’s involvement in the origins of the conflict. The Balfour Project not only addresses British colonial involvement upfront, but offers a chance to learn from and collaborate with others to develop skills of advocacy and peace building. Being afforded the opportunity to work towards educating others about what we can do to promote human rights and peace efforts, both in and beyond the region, is more important now than ever. 


Name: Elah Cohen

University course: Arabic and International Relations (MA) Hons, St Andrews

What started your interest in the region? As I spent my early years in Israel and I am half Israeli, I feel I was always interested in the region at a personal level. Growing up I enjoyed listening to Mizrahi music and Arab pop. I chose Arabic at university as I was interested in learning the language my Lebanese grandfather spoke, and his culture. Arabic ended up being the favourite aspect of my degree and enabled a further cultural appreciation of the region. I have just returned from Amman, Jordan, where I studied Arabic. Prior to this I worked in a Palestinian-owned hostel in Haifa which enabled a unique understanding of the various identities and beliefs wrapped up in this region.

Why did you apply for the fellowship? I was exposed to differing narratives growing up and found it difficult to form a personal cohesive understanding. The conflict was often presented as territorial within mainstream British society, yet this was a very different narrative to what I read in Palestinian perspectives. I would like the opportunity to understand ways to bridge this gap better

Name: Emma Todres

University Course: MA Migration and Diaspora Studies with Intensive Arabic at SOAS. 

What started your interest in the region? My interest in the region started in my teenage years, when I was assigned Israel at my school’s MUN. Since then, I have been engaged in learning about the historical origins of the conflict and understanding how these dynamics and events contributed to creating the current situation of apartheid and occupation. Spending time in the West Bank further cemented my belief that more international awareness must be raised about the Occupation and efforts to end it. 

Why did you apply for the Fellowship? I applied for the fellowship because of my belief that Britain must be held accountable for the role it has played in creating the situation we see today – a topic which is largely not discussed in the UK. The Balfour Project’s mission of raising awareness of this history amongst the British public and government therefore strongly aligned with my own views about the necessity of spreading this knowledge in the UK. 

Name: Lily Wood 

University Course: MA International Law at SOAS 

What started your interest in the region? My interest in the Middle East started with Israel and Palestine, when for my History A-Level studies I chose to look at the 1948 War. I was fascinated by the particularly polarising and emotive nature of the Arab-Israeli conflict, as well as the historic role of my own country, the UK. This sparked an interest in the Middle East more broadly, which led me to my undergraduate degree in Arabic and developed my understanding of the region. It seems to me that every facet of and debate within international law is present in the history of Israel and Palestine, and it is my interest in this subject that led me to pursue my current postgraduate legal studies.

Why did you apply for the fellowship? Despite the complexity of the region’s history, the Balfour Declaration remains at the heart of the Israel-Palestine issue, yet Britain’s role often goes largely unacknowledged in discussions about responsibility for conflict resolution. I am keen to apply my academic studies of the region along with my language skills to make a tangible contribution to the work being done by the Balfour Project, whose vision strongly resonates with my own values and interests.

Name: Matine Khosrowshahi

University Course: MA in Violence, Terrorism and Security at Queen’s University Belfast.

What started your interest in the region? As someone who is of mixed Anglo Persian heritage, history and politics were always taken seriously by my family and from a young age, I have been exposed to and taken an interest in political discourse, specifically when it came to the Middle East. Growing up, living and studying in the United Arab Emirates for 14 years, as well as travelling extensively in the Middle East, fueled my interest in the Israeli Palestinian conflict, especially as I had the opportunity to engage with a variety of Arab nationalities, as well as members of the Palestinian diaspora, learn about their history and experience living amongst them. My interest in the region continues to the present day, having graduated with a BA in Middle Eastern Studies from Manchester University in 2022, and currently completing my MA with a focus on some of  the issues driving the political violence in the region.

Why did you apply for the fellowship? Participation in the Balfour Project is important to me because it will allow me to work alongside like minded people who are genuinely interested in bringing a measure of peace and justice to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, through a practical and nonpartisan approach. I’m also looking forward to learning new perspectives and approaches from fellow members, as well as the trustees who have decades of experience in diplomacy and academia in the region, and specifically on the conflict itself. Finally, I think it is only right that pressure should be put on the British government to take responsibility for, and rectify to the extent possible, the injustices that are the direct consequence of the Balfour Declaration of 1917.

Name: Matthew Cockrell

University Course: Recent graduate in MSc Violence, Conflict and Development from SOAS

What started your interest in the region? My journey towards joining this fellowship project striving for peace in Israel/Palestine is deeply rooted in a commitment to justice and a profound personal experience. At the age of 14, I embarked on a school trip to Palestine, an eye-opening encounter that would shape the course of my life. It was during this trip that I bore witness to the stark realities of the separation walls and the profound injustices stemming from Israel’s occupation. The images of that journey remain etched in my memory and kindled a fire within me to dedicate myself to working towards a just and lasting peace in the region.

Why did you apply for the Fellowship? My academic background has equipped me with a solid foundation for addressing the complex issues in this region. I am dedicated to supporting this fellowship project in its mission to bring about peace by recognizing the rights and aspirations of both Palestinians and Israelis. This mission has gained even greater significance in light of the ongoing Israel-Gaza conflict.

Name: Sylvie Maxwell Macdonald

University Course: BA Arabic and Spanish, University of Exeter.

What started your interest in the region? As an Arabic student I spent my year abroad in Jordan where regular conversation included the question ‘What is your nationality?’. The most common answer: Palestinian or Jordanian- Palestinian, the vast majority: denied the right to return. Yet because of my nationality, I had the privilege of being able to visit Jerusalem where I witnessed the occupation first-hand. This trip challenged my preconceptions of Israel-Palestine, particularly the image I had built up through limited western media coverage.

Why did you apply for the fellowship? Fundamentally, I care about raising awareness and advocating for equal rights and justice in Israel-Palestine because there is little accountability for human rights violations in the region. Considering current events, this feels more vital than ever. The fellowship programme is an opportunity to approach the conflict from a wide range of perspectives and disciplines and learn different approaches to advocacy
within Britain.

Name: Yusha Sheikh

University/ occupation: Civil Service Fast Streamer

What started your interest in the region? My interest in the region has remained consistent since I was fairly young, but was catalysed during my degree when I studied Arabic and Persian. Particular areas of interest included cross religious dialogue; the dangers of synonymy between religion and governance; how the rise of Islam has affected Western perception of Arab peoples; and Arab-West understanding more generally. 

Why did you apply for the fellowship?  These themes lend themselves well to a deeper study of Israel/ Palestine and Britain’s historical role within the Conflict.  This led me to apply for the fellowship with a view to developing more specific knowledge of the situation through the lens of peace advocacy. 

Alumni 2022/23

Name: Adnan Mahmud

Course: MEng in Engineering, University of Cambridge

Why did you apply for the fellowship? Growing up in the Indian Subcontinent (Bangladesh), I have tasted the sour fruit of the British Colonial past. After migrating to the UK for my undergraduate studies and observing the sheer absence of chapters in UK schools about their colonial past was shocking. Moreover, the peculiarity of the British political domain is as such that, on one hand, it wants to do right by its former colonies and talks about liberal values but in the very sentence flirts with divisive ideas of moving its Israeli embassy to Jerusalem.  

Fundamentally these frustrations lead me to search for a platform where I can think about such problems in a systematic manner. That’s how I came across the Balfour Project. The core reason why I particularly applied to the Balfour Project is due to its pivotal emphasis on the British government’s role in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. I  believe an a priori step from any reasonable peace process is the revealing of this controversial past in its entirety.

Name: Andrea Wong

Course: Postgraduate Diploma in Law, BPP University (current). Master in International Public Management, Sciences Po Paris (2019-2021).

Why did you apply for the fellowship? For me, the fellowship is primarily an opportunity to listen to and interact with people from different backgrounds who may hold different viewpoints, but share a common vision for lasting peace, justice, security and human rights for both Palestinians and Israelis.

Having studied diplomacy and worked on bilateral and multilateral policy matters in the Civil Service, I hope to further my interest in the role of British foreign policy in the Israeli-Palestinian peace processes. As an aspiring lawyer, I also look forward to the training on international law and learning about mechanisms of accountability.   

Reflecting on my experiences as a British person of colour, I feel strongly that I, and others like me, have been let down by an education that did not adequately cover British colonial history and its legacy of structural racism. The Balfour Project’s focus on colonial accountability is therefore important to me personally, to how we perceive ourselves collectively, and to how we project ourselves as a ‘force of good’ in the world.  

Name: Daniel Mautner

Course: MA by Research (Music), University of Huddersfield

Why did you apply for the fellowship? My most recent trip to Israel and the West Bank inspired me to take a more active role in peace advocacy work, perhaps even spending more time in the region. The fellowship scheme felt like the next logical step in seeing the conflict from outside my own lens, breaking down some of those biases, gaining useful skills, networking with like-minded people and understanding how I can further engage in peace advocacy work.


Name: Dina Gitlin-Leigh

Course: PGDL (Law Conversion), University of Law

Why did you apply for the fellowship? I applied for the Balfour Project Fellowship as I found through my engagement in dialogue in the region that the situation in Israel-Palestine was often being framed in a post-colonial context however, this awareness did not seem to translate to British communities back home. While learning about Israel-Palestine in the UK my experience was that there was little emphasis on Britain’s role and Palestine is often treated as a footnote in British colonial history. I therefore wanted to participate in the fellowship as a way of learning more about British involvement and to develop projects to spread an understanding of British connection with Israel-Palestine.

Name: Ethan Hadad 

Course: BA Arabic with Subsidiary Persian, University of Oxford. 

Why did you apply for the fellowship? Travelling in the region today, the remnants of British rule act are clear, if fading somewhat. A jumble of old police stations, railways, and street names belie a greater historical responsibility which I think the project is unique in addressing as an organisation.  

On a personal level, I wanted to gain experience working on the conflict in a more organised and professional context, hopefully improving my own knowledge and skills in the various fields covered by the training programme, as well as challenging any misconceptions I might have. The fellowship’s capacity as a forum for discussion and communication in a largely polarised and toxic political environment was also appealing; I hope to be more equipped to challenge this by the end of the programme, regardless of what sector I end up in!

Name: Joe Haidar

Course: BA History, Queen Mary University of London

Why did you apply for the fellowship? Despite always growing up with a general knowledge of this conflict, I never felt confident enough to speak about it, as for a long time, I didn’t actually know much about the detailed and complex history and current political situation. Recently, I began to take a more active interest and when this project was sent into one of my university group chats, I was determined to apply for it. The project seemed perfect: it offered the opportunity to learn about this issue in detail, as well as making a positive and personalised contribution to finding a solution for an issue I feel so strongly about.  

Name: Joel Stokes

Course: PhD at UCL’s Department of Hebrew and Jewish Studies and Institute of Archaeology

Why did you apply for the fellowship? I applied for the Fellowship because I believe the significance of the United Kingdom’s historic and current relationship with the representatives of Israeli and Palestinian elected bodies is misunderstood and underappreciated. Additionally, I believe that education and information about Israel-Palestine is, at present, too divisive. I am interested in exploring educative projects that add colour and texture to the otherwise black and white story of the region’s history. I look forward to working closely with the other fellows and to creating meaningful projects together.

Name: Joseph Hearn

Course: MA in Middle Eastern Studies at SOAS, University of London

Why did you apply for the fellowship? I am drawn to the Balfour Project’s focus on British policies and attitudes towards Israel and Palestine, particularly given Britain’s historical role in the region. International pressure is a key tool to achieve a just peace and respect for human rights, so it is important to make the case for these in Britain. The Fellowship offers amazing opportunities for research and advocacy training with a supportive and diverse community of students and activists.

Name: Laura Bramall

Course: Bar Course at City, University of London

Why did you apply for the fellowship? I hope the fellowship will be a great chance for me to learn more not just about the Middle East, but also about international law and politics. As an aspiring barrister, I hope that I will learn from top advocates and activists. I am particularly interested in developing my own understanding of public international law so that I can become more effective at creating change. I think that as a British citizen, I have a responsibility to interrogate the UK Government’s actions. I can’t wait to work with the other fellows to try to tackle this challenge.

Name: Lucy Rebecca Cannon

Course: 1+3 MA in Social Research funded through the Midlands Graduate Doctoral School and ESRC, University of Warwick

Why did you apply for the fellowship?  A former tutor who had taught me in a module on the occupation and whom I have kept in touch with through organising around Palestine reached out to me and told me to apply. One of my favourite parts about academia is getting to work with and meet other exciting scholars from various backgrounds. The opportunity the fellowship offers to listen to and learn with other excellent scholars and activists, particularly those with differing experiences is something I hope will challenge and further my interest and knowledge. This as well as my skills and ability to write and think with others.  

Name: Madeline Elmitt

Course: BA in Arabic, SOAS University of London

Why did you apply for the fellowship? I was asked an interesting question by a young Israeli near Beit She’an a few months ago which was; what do you know? It’s interesting to us to see how you (Brits) perceive what is going on here. My honest answer to him would be that I do not know the general British understanding of the realities of this region. I do, however, notice the general lack of focus and concern around the ecological, political, and social impacts of the ongoing conflict. The Balfour Project represents for me and others a catalyst for discussion and continued interest in the region whilst I finish my studies in the UK. I would also like to use the Fellowship to develop my research skills in the ecological repercussions of the conflict as disruption to the natural habitat increases and resources such as dwindling water supplies become increasingly political tools in the region.

Name: Matthew Holt

Course: MSc Global Environment Politics and Society, University of Edinburgh

Why did you apply for the fellowship? It is often difficult to engage with global issues in ways that feel meaningful. The Balfour Project marked an opportunity to contribute to peace-building through a project with tangible results. Whilst I was intrigued by the project’s commitment to Britain’s historic and continued involvement in the conflict, hearing about the incredible projects run by previous fellows inspired me to apply. The project’s focus on skills development, from public speaking to international law workshops, was an attractive aspect of the fellowship as I’m looking to work in organisations concerned with peace-building in the future.

Name: Nicole Munson

Course: MPhil Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation, Trinity College, Belfast

Why did you apply for the fellowship?  I chose to apply for the fellowship because I felt that, similar to the U.S., Britain has held a historic position in the perpetuation of conflict in the region and that requires a degree of ownership and recognition from the people/government of the UK. I felt that there would be a great deal to learn from this fellowship in terms of my own position/relation to the conflict and the ability to gain practical skills by participating in a project. I was excited for the opportunity to engage in other perspectives from the fellows and instructors.  

Name: Ross Plowman

Course: BA History, University of Durham

Why did you apply for the fellowship programme? Three unconnected friends sent me the link for the application which, I believe, was a good sign. The focus of the Balfour Project on Britain’s complicity in the occupation appealed to me. As a history student, I have always been attracted to the history of British colonialism. I am eager to campaign for Palestinian human rights and learn more about the intricacies of British imperialism, the occupation and its history. I saw the fellowship programme as a great opportunity to approach the occupation of Palestine academically, as opposed to previous front line activism. I want to expand my knowledge and improve my communicative skill set so that I can engage in higher level debates. 

Alumni 2021/22

Name: Emily Abdeni-Holman

Course: MA in Theology, Ecology, and Ethics, with the Jesuits in Britain at the University of Roehampton.

Why did you apply for the fellowship? For me, being part of the Balfour Project means being part of a conversation and community paying attention to these issues in the context of recognising Britain’s historic responsibility for what has unfolded in the region, and as crucially its ongoing responsibility as a result. It’s an opportunity to listen, learn, and contribute.

Name: Salma Altabari
Course: MA Comparative Literature at SOAS University of London.

What have you been doing since the 21/22 fellowship ended? I’m still working in the Further Education sector. I now teach A-Level English Literature, as well as continuing to teach ESOL.

Click here to read about Salma’s project.



Name: Rebecca Argall

Course: MA in Law at Sussex University.

What have you been doing since the 21/22 fellowship ended? Since the end of the Fellowship, I’ve been between Cornwall and Brighton writing my dissertation on the International Criminal Court and their interventions in mid-conflict situations. In September I started a role at Garden Court Chambers connecting members of the public to the barristers there.

Click here to read about Rebecca’s project.


Name: Pyla Bird – Leakey
Course: LLM specialising in Public International Law at London School of Economics and Political Science.

What have you been doing since the 21/22 fellowship ended? I’m currently studying for the Bar at the Inns of Court College of Advocacy. I’m also working as an immigration paralegal and continuing to work towards a career in International Law.

Click here to read about Pyla’s project.


Name: Cecilia Cáceres Juan

Course: MSc Human Rights and Politics at the London School of Economics and Political Science.

What have you been doing since the 21/22 fellowship ended?  I’ve been looking for remote jobs. In the meantime, I am volunteering with the feminist library in Brixton and with an online magazine and journal. I’ve also moved back home and been helping my mm with care work.

Click here to read about Cecilia’s project.

Name: Anne-Marie Clements

Course: MSc Human Rights and International Politics at the University of Glasgow.

What have you been doing since the 21/22 fellowship ended? Since the fellowship ended, I received my Master’s in Human Rights and International Politics with Distinction after writing my dissertation on solidarity and political tourism and pilgrimages in Palestine-Israel, which was inspired by my Fellowship project. I have secured employment with two organisations, one of which is a small human rights charity advocating on behalf of and alongside Palestinians. I am hoping to continue to raise awareness and action regarding Palestine from a faith perspective and to this end am currently taking part in a ‘Christian Peacebuilders’ course.

Click here to read about Anne-Marie’s project.

Name: Jean Franco
Course: Arabic and Persian at the University of Oxford.

What have you been doing since the 21/22 fellowship ended? I am now volunteering and starting internships in policy, while trying to put the skills I’ve learnt with the Balfour Project into practice in my journalism project FARSANG Journal. I’ll be travelling to South Asia to continue studying, and I will hopefully be spending some time in the Arab world to improve my Arabic.

Click here to read about Jean’s project.

Name: Douglas Gerrard

Course: MSc Comparative Politics at the London School of Economics

What have you been doing since the 21/22 fellowship ended? I am currently completing my MSc, writing a thesis on the invisibility of the occupation Israeli political discourse.

Click here to read about Douglas’ project.




Name: Amber Khan

Course: Law, Business & Management MSc and Legal Practice Course at the University of Law.

What have you been doing since the 21/22 fellowship ended? I have started a two year training contract at Pinsent Masons to qualify as a solicitor. I also continue to sit on the board of imitating the dog, a theater company, as a non-executive director.

Click here to read about Amber’s project and to watch her webinar, click here.

Name: Eibhlin Priestley

Course: Ph.D. in History at the University of Cambridge

What have you been doing since the 21/22 fellowship ended?  I am now in the second year of my PhD in which I will conduct the majority of my fieldwork in Lebanon and Sudan. My fieldwork will be focused on visiting national and community archives, and interviewing residual members and descendants of the early twentieth century Syrian community in Sudan. I am continuing my involvement with the Balfour Project through my role as History Education Assistant.

Click here to read about Eibhlin’s project.

Name: Archie Williams

Course: MPhil Islamic Art and Architecture at the University of Oxford 

What have you been doing since the 21/22 fellowship ended?  After completing the fellowship, I travelled to India to complete internships with museums in Jaipur and Udaipur. Since my work for the Balfour Project explored how culture could be used to bridge sectarian divides, I was able to apply those skills when curating Islamic objects in these institutions. In India, as in Israel and Palestine, inclusive narratives about the past can be promoted through heritage, in order to encourage people to re-evaluate biases about other communities.

Click here to read about Archie’s project.

Alumni 2020/21

Name: Adam Abdalla
Course: Arabic and Politics at the University of Leeds

What have you been doing since the 20/21 fellowship ended? After completing the fellowship, I began an MPhil in Modern Middle Eastern Studies and Hebrew at the University of Oxford. I am also currently applying my experiences from the BP Fellowship in an editorial position at the Oxford Middle East Review journal, as well as working as a workshop facilitator with a HR educational organisation.

Click here to read about Adam’s project.

Name: Aimée-Stephanie Reid

Course: MSc Peace and Conflict Studies, Ulster University, Northern Ireland

What have you been doing since the 20/21 fellowship ended? I am currently working as a data engineer for Global Media and Entertainment in London.

Click here to read about Aimée-Stephanie’s project.





Name: Francesca Vawdrey
Course: Having specialised in Palestinian history during her undergraduate degree, Francesca is now a postgraduate in Modern Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Oxford.
What have you been doing since the 20/21 fellowship ended? Having finished the fellowship, I am continuing the second year of my master’s in Modern Middle Eastern Studies at Oxford. I am now writing my thesis on sexuality and war in Palestinian women’s literature, whilst continuing to take classes in Arabic and the political economy of the Middle East, alongside an editorial position at the Oxford Middle East Review.

Click here to read about Francesca’s project.

Name: Gilang Al Ghifari Lukman
Course: MPhil Modern Middle Eastern Studies, Advanced Arabic and Introductory Hebrew at University of Oxford.
What have you been doing since the 20/21 fellowship ended? I am currently working as a researcher at Control Risks, a political and security consulting firm headquartered in London. As the co-founder of Haifa Institute, I am regularly invited as a speaker in educational events on Israel-Palestine for an Indonesian audience.


Click here to read about Gilang’s project.

Name: Haneen Zeglam
Course: MPhil Modern Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Oxford

Why did you apply to the fellowship? I applied to the Fellowship because I really admire the Balfour Project Approach that highlights Britain’s responsibility to the future of Israel-Palestine, given its actions in the past. I also wanted to develop my own understanding through the various workshops and lectures, as well as getting to know the other fellows. Overall, it has been a massively rewarding programme so far and I would definitely encourage people to apply. 

Click here to read about Haneen’s project.

Name: Jack Walton
Course: University of Exeter, Politics Philosophy and Economics
Israeli occupation.

What have you been doing since the 20/21 fellowship ended? I am currently studying for a primary PGCE at the University of Cambridge.

 Click here to read about Jack’s project.

Name: Jordan Jones
Course: MSc Modern Middle Eastern Studies, University of Oxford

What have you been doing since the 20/21 fellowship ended? After the fellowship, I completed my MSc degree in Modern Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Oxford and I am now working as a researcher in the financial services sector. In my spare time, I continue to research issues relating to Israel-Palestine and advocate for a just resolution to the conflict.

Click here to read about Jordan’s project.

Name: Martha Scott-Cracknell
Course: Completed MSt in Study of Religions at the University of Oxford in July 2020 (studied BA Religion, Politics, and Society at University of Leeds).

What have you been doing since the 20/21 fellowship ended? I am continuing to work with the Balfour Project part time as a Programme’s Assistant, assisting in the recruiting and running of the 21/22 Fellowship Programme. I also work part-time as an analyst for the European Academy of Religion and Society.

 Click here to read about Martha’s project.

Name: Omar Sharif
Course: Cyber Security, CU London

What have you been doing since the 20/21 fellowship ended? I am in my final year completing a BSc at university and I am very active in creating awareness about the Israel Palestine conflict in the UK. One way I am doing this is through my involvement in organising events as a FODIP ambassador.


Click here to read about Omar’s project.


Name: Rosie Richards
Course: MA in Near and Middle Eastern Studies with Intensive Arabic at SOAS

What have you been doing since the 20/21 fellowship ended? Having graduated from her MA with a distinction, Rosie moved to Amman and has started working for a local NGO specialising in labour equality for Jordanian workers.


Click here to read about Rosie’s project.

Name: Ruth Foster
Course: MTS, Harvard Divinity School. Previously studied Religious Studies at the University of Edinburgh.

Why did you apply to the fellowship? I applied to the Balfour Project in order to learn more about both Britain’s historic role in the region, and its responsibility in future peace-building efforts. In addition to this through workshops, lectures, and interactions with the other Fellows I wanted to engage with a wide range of perspectives and further nuance and challenge my own understanding of the region.


Name: Sam Lytton Cobbold
Course: MA Hons Arabic & Middle Eastern Studies with French, Edinburgh University

What have you been doing since the 20/21 fellowship ended? Having completed the fellowship, I am studying for a MSc in Modern Middle Eastern Studies at St Antony’s college, University of Oxford, focusing on Politics and particularly Islam’s role in regional politics. Specifically, I am interested in the role of Islam in resistance politics, paying close attention to the case studies of Hamas and Hezbollah, and their resistance to Israel.

Click here to read about Sam’s project.

Name: Sarah Chaya Smith
Course: MSc Politics of Conflict, Rights and Justice at SOAS, University of London. Previously studied Social Anthropology at the University of Edinburgh (2016-2020).
nd oppression.

What have you been doing since the 20/21 fellowship ended? I now work in UK Parliament as a Communications Officer, supporting the work of an MP in their day-to-day parliamentary work and constituency duties.

 Click here to read about Sarah’s project.

Name: Stav Salpeter
Course: Norwegian-Israeli currently studying for an MA (Hons) in International Relations and International Law at the University of Edinburgh. She co-founded the Palestinian-Israeli Dialogue Society, an award-winning organisation with branches across the UK and Canada.

What have you been doing since the 20/21 fellowship ended? I am currently completing my MA (Hons) in International Relations and International Law at the University of Edinburgh where I direct the EIJI International Law Clinic.”

Click here to read about Stav’s project.

Alumni 2019/20

Eleonor Lefvert is a masters student in Gender and International Law at SOAS, University of London, where she is specialising in gendered dimensions of security and armed conflict. Before moving to London, Eleonor worked in Ramallah, Palestine, as an intern and consultant at a women’s rights organisation in their international advocacy team. 

“Growing up with a grandfather who was Sten Andersson, the former Swedish minister of foreign affairs, deeply engaged in diplomacy with both parties, conversations about Israel/Palestine have always been present so this issue lies close to my heart.”

“These conversations influenced my commitment for human rights in general and a  peaceful process between Israel/Palestine in particular. 

“As a Peace Advocacy Fellow at the Balfour Project, I am focused on researching the Swedish recognition of Palestine, using this as a case study to inform a future British recognition of Palestine. I hope my research can give insights on key factors that led to Swedish recognition, and that these can also  facilitate the path for future British recognition of Palestine alongside Israel.”

Zac Lewis is a final year History and Politics student at the University of Warwick. He has a keen interest in politics and justice, both locally and internationally, and the importance of history to understanding contemporary phenomena.

As a British Jew, his project as part of the fellowship is focusing on the British Jewish community and their approaches towards British recognition of Palestine alongside Israel, as part of a two state solution, which most community organisations support.
“I am a proud British Jew, and my experience being brought up in this community has attuned me to the varying contours of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and my relationship to it. 

“This issue, though, is more than a concern for only those with ties of kinship to the region. Britain’s Balfour Declaration over 100 years ago, its mandate over Palestine, and continuing strategic relationships in the region, should ensure its importance to all British people. Britain has a historic responsibility, both moral and arguably legal, towards ensuring a just settlement to this conflict – and the Balfour Project is on the frontline of getting this message out there. 

“My personal project focuses inwards on how to build productive relationships within my own community on Israel-Palestine – especially with groups and individuals who work specifically in this area. It is a project that draws from my own upbringing and experience to hopefully further the cause of justice.”

Alexandre Lowe is a final year International Politics student at City, University of London. As a dual nationality French/ British holder with a very international background and enthusiastic about all things related to global politics, he wishes to breach the barrier between the academic world and the practical world by applying some of his knowledge in International relations, security, and conflict resolution.

His project as part of the fellowship is focusing on understanding and extricating the issue of Israel-Palestine from world politics, as well as researching possible relationships with other organisations involved with the conflict, specifically potential European allies we may be able to interact with both within and without the framework of the EU.

“I am interested in understanding the controversial ability of the conflict of remaining at the forefront of the world-stage and emotionally poignant for many. Additionally, the building of additional fruitful relationships with international partners can only aid in expanding the scope of awareness building that the Balfour Project strives for. The strengthening of these relationships within the EU can serve to form a stronger foundation for the challenges that lie ahead for all of us.”

“While there is no point denying that things may be looking grim, the global rise of populist politics as well as the looming menace of climate change are bound to alter the political realities for everyone. These new chaotic times will doubtlessly bring new opportunities and thus it is even more important that we strive to seek and understand all points of views, both old and new.”

Ed Pickthall is a recent graduate in Politics and International Relations from SOAS, University of London. His decision to study at SOAS was motivated by a desire to study the world through a less Western-centric lens. He has a keen interest in politics, with a focus on the Middle East and Britain’s historical relationship with the region, and the role that identity plays in international relations and the emergence of conflict.

He has spent time teaching English in the West Bank and has worked as a researcher for Parallel Histories, an interactive digital resource which seeks to teach both sides of disputed histories so students can better understand conflict. His project as part of the fellowship focuses on conservative arguments for recognition.

“A lesson I learnt living in the West Bank is that despite the 100 years which has passed since the Balfour Declaration it is still a fresh wound in the Palestinian national psyche – and a topic that will be brought up whenever one mentions they are British. In spite of this, few in Britain know of our historic role in the conflict and so it is important to raise awareness of Britain’s moral responsibility to those in the region and the symbolic power that recognition would bring.”

“My project focuses on the conservative case for the UK recognising Palestine. Following the 2019 election it became obvious that for there to be meaningful change in Britain’s position on Israel/Palestine there needs to be a shift in conservative opinion on the issue. However, I believe that it is also important that this issue should not just be seen as one for the Left to deal with. It is important that Britain lives up to its historic and moral responsibility towards ensuring a just settlement for the Israeli and Palestinian people, and that this should be cross-partisan.”

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