by Adnan Mahmud
The objective of this project is to bring attention to the issue of the use of harsh surveillance
measures by the State of Israel towards its Palestinian and Arab populations. The aim is to
increase awareness about the human rights implications of these measures and to shed light
on the role that the UK plays, both directly and indirectly, in these dynamics.
This project will hopefully lead to the following outcomes:
- Increased awareness about the Israeli government’s surveillance policies and its impact on the
Palestinian population, among the British public and the targeted groups such as grassroot
activists, policy makers, politicians, and Anglo-Jewish and other progressive communities.
- A deeper understanding of the direct and indirect role the UK plays in these dynamics, through
the data collection and presentation of the links between the Israeli arms industry and the UK
government’s cooperation. - The project may lead to increased public engagement and activism on this issue, and could
influence the policies of the UK government, as well as contribute to the discourse on human
rights and the protection of the rights of Palestinians. - The exhibitions, workshops and articles produced as a result of this project may be used as a resource and reference by activists, journalists, and scholars, further contributing to the advocacy and awareness efforts in this field.