A message from Gaza: round-the-clock bombs, no water, no escape

The Balfour Project podcast Keys: a Troubled Inheritance, tracing the stories of two families, one Jewish and victims of the Nazi genocide, the other Palestinian, uprooted by the Nakba, the Catastrophe of 1948, is written and presented by Michael Joseph, a son of that Jewish family. One of his crucial contacts and contributors to Keys is Sami Abu Salem, a journalist and refugee in Gaza whose family were uprooted from their Palestinian village in what is now Israel, just beyond Gaza’s northern boundaries. Now, 75 years on, in the midst of a terrifying enforced flight from Gaza City in northern Gaza in search of water and food under continuing air raids and siege in southern Gaza, Sami managed to transmit to Mike, and thus us, this commentary on his experiences: Mike Joseph introduces him:

The final episode of the first season of KEYS: A Troubled Inheritance is released on Wednesday, 8 November. All episodes remain available on all platforms. The second series of Keys begins in early spring, 2024.

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