Email your MP to help #StopE1

Dear Supporter,

Illegal Israeli settlements are the biggest threat to Palestinian rights – their rights to their land, to their livelihoods, to self-determination – including the right to sovereign statehood. The Israeli authorities are advancing plans to build a new illegal settlement in an area known as E1. If built, it will complete the encirclement of East Jerusalem, dividing it from the rest of the West Bank. It will split the northern West Bank cities – Nablus, Jenin etc – from Hebron, Bethlehem and Jericho. It will kill any prospect of a joined-up Palestinian state. That’s why the Balfour Project charity asks you to take action.

Our Government has long regarded E1 as a “red line” which Israel must not cross – but has never said what it will do if Israel persists.

The deadline for action is 12 September, when Israel’s West Bank Planning Committee is due to finalise its work and endorse the planned construction of E1. Israel’s Prime Minister can prevent this. Our Government must prevail on him to stop it.
Please consider writing now to your MP. A draft is attached.

Enter your postcode and see the letter  – send it to your MP in one click, or personalise it and send.

With best regards,


Sir Vincent Fean
Vice-Chair, Balfour Project

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