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Tag Archives: Weizmann
The Balfour Declaration, 2 November 1917: A Fateful Improbability
Centenary Lecture to the History Group, The Norfolk Club, 14 September 2017 by William Mathew It is argued here that only a special conjuncture of chance and short-term circumstance made it possible for an effective pro-Zionist policy to be successfully … Continue reading
Posted in Balfour Declaration, Current Positions, Pre-Balfour Declaration, Zionism Debate
Tagged Balfour, Balfour Declaration, Lloyd George, Weizmann, Zionism
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The Mandate years: colonialism and the creation of Israel
Charles Glass, writing in the London Review of Books in 2001, reviewed two books looking at the period of the British Mandate in Palestine. Although written 22 years ago it touches on topics that are very little known in the … Continue reading
Posted in Book Reviews, Mandate Period, Zionism Debate
Tagged Balfour Declaration, British Mandate, Lord Curzon, Montagu, Weizmann, Zionism
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Rescuing Balfour: Winston Churchill at the Colonial Office 1921-22, By William Mathew
Given the sheer improbability of the Balfour Declaration, its source in temporary war-time contingencies, its activation of inter-communal conflict in Palestine, and its exposure to increasing opposition both at home and in the Levant, the 1917 War Cabinet pledge … Continue reading
Posted in Balfour Declaration, McMahon-Hussein Correspondence
Tagged 1921, 1922, Balfour Declaration, British Mandate, League of Nations, McMahon Hussain, Palestine, Palestine Mandate, Weizmann, Zionism
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Struggling to Maintain the Mandate’s Iron Cage, 1930 – 1947 by Peter Shambrook
Peter A. Shambrook presents the history of the British Mandate for Palestine in the period 1930-1947, highlighting its very negative outcomes for the Palestinian population. In doing so, Shambrook calls for Britain to accept responsibility for its past wrongdoings as … Continue reading
Posted in Balfour Declaration
Tagged 1930, British Mandate, Churchill, Palestine Mandate, Palestinian Rebellion, Peel Commission, Ramsay MacDonald, Weizmann, Zionism
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Perfidious Albion: Britain’s broken promises: the Balfour Declaration (1917) and its impact on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict: what are our responsibilities today?
This lecture was given by Professor Mary Grey in the URC Church, Crondall, Northumberland for their Peace and Reconciliation centre, 5th September 2014 Here in Northumberland, it is impossible to forget the bloodshed of the Battle of Flodden in 1513, … Continue reading
Posted in Contradictory Promises, Historical, McMahon-Hussein Correspondence
Tagged 1917, 1919, Balfour, Balfour Declaration, George Eliot, Herzl, Lloyd George, Palestine, Palestine Mandate, Shaftesbury, Weizmann, Zionism
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The Balfour Declaration – Key players and events by Mary Grey
Introduction – what motivated the Balfour Declaration? (Powerpoint of Key Players) There is still conflict as to which motive for the Balfour Declaration is stronger – there are at least three motives, and some may interlock: 1. According to Avi … Continue reading
Posted in Balfour Declaration, McMahon-Hussein Correspondence, Pre-Balfour Declaration
Tagged 1915, 19th Century, Asquith, Balfour Declaration, Herzl, Lloyd George, Lord Curzon, McMahon, Montagu, Samuel, Shaftesbury, Sherif Hussein, Sykes, Weizmann
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Britain’s Secret Re-Assessment of the Balfour Declaration. The Perfidy of Albion, by John Quigley
John Quigley* President’s Club Professor in Law, Moritz College of Law, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, United States of America From the Journal of the History of International Law Revue d’histoire du droit international Volume 13, Number 2, 2011 … Continue reading
Posted in Balfour Declaration, Mandate Period
Tagged !922 White paper, 1923, Balfour Declaration, British Mandate, Churchill, Curzon, International Law, League of Nations, Weizmann, Zionism
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Wartime contingency and the Balfour Declaration of 1917 William Mathew: an Improbable Regression
Review by Mary Grey Although for many Jews this Declaration represented a dramatic re-entry of Jews into history, this article argues that it was more a regression than an advance. True, the Balfour Declaration promised to protect the civil and … Continue reading
Posted in Historical, Pre-Balfour Declaration
Tagged 1917, Asquith, Balfour Declaration, Curzon, Lloyd George, Lord Curzon, McMahon, Montagu, Palestine, Weizmann
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The Balfour Declaration and the Palestine Mandate, 1917–1923: British Imperialist Imperatives
By William M. Mathew ABSTRACT The article sets the Balfour Declaration of 1917 and the final confirmation of Britain’s Palestine Mandate in 1923 within the context of national imperial concerns: in particular, anxieties over the security of the Suez Canal … Continue reading
Posted in Balfour Declaration
Tagged 1917, 1922, Balfour Declaration, British Mandate, First World War, Lloyd George, Lord Curzon, McMahon, Middle East, Palestine, Sykes Picot, Weizmann
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Agreement Between Emir Feisal and Dr. Weizmann
3 January, 1919 Introduction Following the First World War, Emir Feisal, son of Sherif Hussein (Husayn) of Mecca, and the leader of the Arab movement, met in Aqaba with Dr. Chaim Weizmann, the head of the Zionist Commission to … Continue reading
Posted in Balfour Declaration, Historical, Resources
Tagged Balfour Declaration, British Mandate, Feisal, Hussein Ibn Ali, McMahon, McMahon Hussain, Middle East, Palestine, Sherif Hussein, Sykes Picot, Weizmann
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Short biographies by Mary Grey
The War Cabinet (WW1) The creation of the War Cabinet undertook the supreme direction of the war effort. It was composed of David Lloyd George, the Prime Minister, Andrew Bonar Law, Lord Nathaniel Curzon, Alfred Milner, Arthur Henderson and Sir … Continue reading
Posted in Biographies
Tagged 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, Allenby, Asquith, Balfour Declaration, British Mandate, Clayton, Curzon, First World War, Grey, Herbert, Hussein Ibn Ali, Lawrence, Lloyd George, McMahon, Milner, Montagu, Montifiore, Picot, Rothschild, Sacher, Samuel, Sokolow, Storrs, Sykes, Sykes Picot, Talaat Pasha, Weizmann, Wolf, Zaharoff
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